
Hermann’s Tortoise CB23

Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $225.00.

Hermann’s Tortoise CB23

Species: Testudo hermanni (Hermann’s Tortoise)
Hatch Date: 2023 (CB23)
Origin: Captive-bred

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This Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni) hatched in 2023 is a young and vibrant addition to any reptile enthusiast’s collection. Captive-bred in 2023, this tortoise promises a healthy start and a smoother transition to life in a home environment.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Shell: The Hermann’s tortoise features a beautifully domed shell with distinct, vibrant yellow and black markings. The scutes (plates on the shell) are well-defined, contributing to its attractive appearance.
  • Plastron: The underside of the shell (plastron) is typically yellow with dark blotches.
  • Size: As a hatchling from 2023, this tortoise is still small but growing steadily with proper care.
  • Tail: At this young age, gender identification might not be definitive, but male tortoises generally have longer tails and a concave plastron, which will become more apparent as they mature.

Temperament: Hermann’s tortoises are known for their gentle and curious nature. This young tortoise is active and engaging, showing an eagerness to explore its environment, bask under a heat source, and forage for food.

Care Requirements:

  • Diet: A diet primarily consisting of leafy greens, vegetables, and occasional fruits. Calcium supplements are recommended to ensure proper shell and bone development.
  • Habitat: Requires a well-ventilated enclosure with access to both UVB lighting and a heat source. Outdoor enclosures are ideal in suitable climates, allowing natural sunlight exposure.
  • Substrate: A mix of soil and sand, providing a naturalistic environment that encourages digging and burrowing behaviors.
  • Humidity: Moderate humidity levels are ideal, with access to a shallow water dish for hydration and soaking.

Health: This captive-bred Hermann’s tortoise has been raised in optimal conditions, ensuring robust health and vitality. Regular check-ups and a proper diet have contributed to its excellent physical condition.

Why Choose Captive-Bred? Captive-bred tortoises, like this Hermann’s tortoise, are generally healthier and more acclimated to human care compared to wild-caught counterparts. They typically exhibit fewer health issues and adapt more readily to a life in captivity.

Ideal For:

  • Reptile enthusiasts looking for a long-term companion.
  • Beginners interested in a manageable and hardy species.
  • Educators and hobbyists seeking an engaging and interactive reptile.

Lifespan: With proper care, Hermann’s tortoises can live for 50 years or more, providing a lifetime of enjoyment and companionship.


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